Four Tips for Personal Growth
Aradhana Kamal shares tips on personal growth, including organizing thoughts, reading self-help books and starting new hobbies.
My Experience with Positive Affirmations
Charlotte Cichy goes over how positive affirmations have affected her life, and why she thinks they're a great mental health tool.
My Love-Hate Relationship with Art
Sharon Du talks about her love-hate relationship with art, including her battle with perfectionism and being satisfied with a piece.
We’re All Introverts and Extroverts
People are commonly asked "are you an introvert?" or "are you an extrovert?" Christine Meng is here to argue that everyone is a bit of both.
Are You Bad at Math or Have Test Anxiety? You Can Change This
Olivia Beshtoev investigates what's behind test anxiety and what you can do to change how you take tests to achieve better results!
The Anxiety That No One Talks About
Social anxiety is now a common topic of discussion, but what about generalized anxiety? Aleesha Merchant investigates.
How Effort Always Beats Productivity
Sarah Osman explains the difference between effort and productivity and why the latter is always better than the former.
Perfectionism, Burnout and Immigrant Parents
Chelsea Samantha Corpuz goes over how she was inspired by her immigrant parents, but also felt pressure to be perfect.
Using Journaling to Cope with Stress
Simone Beshtoev delves into how journaling can help to decrease stress by getting all of your thoughts out on paper.
Listening and Trust
Amanda He goes over tips on how to improve your listening skills, including how working on active listening helps to build trust with others.