We’re All Introverts and Extroverts

There’s always that question, “Are you an introvert? Or are you an extrovert?” I’ve always considered myself an introvert. I usually don’t talk to people unless I know them and I prefer being alone, doing my own thing. However, I’ve realized that just because I’m an introvert, doesn’t mean I can’t also be an extrovert.

I was always told that I’m a natural-born leader, and I understand why. However, I just can’t seem to bring myself to socialize with new people, which doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not happy to spend time with others. Even going out with my peers for ice cream or bubble tea excites me just because we can. And recently, I donated my hair with my best friend. During the pandemic, my friend and I cut our hair, put it in an envelope and mailed it to the donation centre. I remember being happy, just sitting in the car, going to the post office, and talking with my friend in the back seat. It seems so odd that just delivering an envelope with a friend was one of the best parts of my day, but it was. It gave me a sense of accomplishment not only because I donated my hair, but because my friend and I did it together.

While writing this, I’ve realized occasionally, that I still believe that I became an extrovert over time. I understand it might take time for some people to figure out, but the type of person we are will show from the very beginning. As I stated, I’ve always thought of myself as an introvert. Every time I switched schools, I would stand alone until someone approached me or until the teacher asked someone to be my friend, and believe me, this happened quite often. 

Remembering all these experiences was what helped me understand that I’ve always been an introvert and an extrovert. For example, when I was around the age of seven or eight, my ballet teacher told me that I should join the older kids’ class to become a better dancer. On the first day, I wouldn’t talk to anyone. But soon after I made friends, I looked forward to it every day. A similar experience happened a few weeks ago when I volunteered with Ripple Foundation for The Word On the Street festival. When I arrived on the first day, I didn’t say a single word. But soon after I met the other volunteers, I realized just how fun they were. I started talking not only to them but to the strangers passing by our tent. It felt comforting having people I could actually talk to, being in a different environment, and not being by myself. I enjoyed the experience so much that I decided to skip my extracurriculars just to volunteer again the next day, and it was just as fun the second time.

All these happenings really make me seem like an extrovert who just doesn’t trust people. But the truth is, with all these encounters, and just talking to people in general, it can be stressful. It’s nice to relax and do my own thing, and balance out my social life. I spend so much time at home alone that every moment spent with others feels like a new adventure. 

Realistically, not everyone is going to spend every second of every moment of their life by themselves or hanging out with friends. Everyone needs time with others and time for themselves. I am more of an introvert, which is why I listed so many examples of times where I showed the extroverted part of me. If I listed all the times when I was an introvert, I would have enough stories to fill the largest book in history. These are just my experiences though. If someone else took my place and wrote this article, perhaps, someone more extroverted, this article would be quite different. They would probably write about times when they enjoyed the occasional moments where they could have time to themselves.

Is This You? I’m a complex being. I’m both introverted and extroverted at the same time. I’m full of love and happiness and yet I know sadness and pain deeply. I love to be around people, but it comes with anxiety so I usually choose to be alone. I am deep in my mind with complex thoughts about how I feel about the world, other people, and myself. Half the time it seems like I’m just in my own world, and when around others I feel like an outsider looking in… – Unknown: TheMindsJournal

I know that there’s still so much more to learn about introverts and extroverts. I’ve thought about asking others, but I’ve decided against it, probably just the introvert in me talking. One thing I do know is that I don’t have to be just one type of person. We’re all introverts and extroverts.

Christine (She/Her/Hers) is a grade nine student passionate about creative literacy and the performing arts with a knack for math. Shy and quiet when you first meet her, she’ll prove to be fun and colourful. She cares a lot about mental health and human rights. With many goals, Christine hopes to become a successful singer and actress, all while obtaining a Ph.D. to become a therapist, and using her fame to speak out as an activist and motivational speaker.

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