How I Found a Positive World Through a Camera Lens

I’ve always liked photography. I like the sound of every shutter click and enjoy the excitement that a good photo brings to me. Growing up, I would always be spotted carrying a camera and constantly clicking the shutter. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until my freshman year of high school that I become truly passionate about photography; subsequently, photography has become the “mentor” that guides me through the path of being better.

Photography has given me the opportunity to meet like-minded people

Three years ago, I came to Canada. Being in a new and foreign environment, I became that kid who always sat in the back of the classroom without saying a single word throughout the day. At that time, I was starting to realize my sprout of passion for photography. Slowly, as I took more photos, more people started approaching me with curiosity about me and my camera. I soon became friends with other photographers at my school.

Suffice it to say, photography helped me open my heart to people and, since then, I’m no longer the quiet, unnoticed kid. I became unique, in my own way, and a spotlight shone on me.

Just like what David Griffin, an award-winning photography director, said, “I believe that photography can make a real connection to people.” The power of connection that photography brings is influential. Photos are like an unbreakable thread that connects many like-minded people.

Photography has helped me release stress

Time flew fast, and I soon stepped into a new phase of life: high school. The moment I entered my new classroom, I was immediately engulfed by the pressure that the teachers radiate. Throughout the first year of high school, stress was my acquaintance, like an annoying relative who incessantly visits. It was almost impossible to avoid stress; however, I found ways to cope with stress, and photography played a crucial part in helping me deal with stress.

For instance, to take more interesting photos, I would always urge myself to go outdoors. Thus, being outside and away from my school work helped me refresh my mind and say “bye” to stress temporarily.

I’ve learned to appreciate the past and the present

Every now and then, I look at the photographs I’ve taken. They all represent a different part of my life. They capture the moments I’ve had with smiles, triumphs, sadness, and fear. They bring nostalgia, the warm, odd feeling that I get when I recall old memories. But, most importantly, photography allows me to look back at the things that have shaped who I am today and reminds me to cherish what I have now.

I’ve found a better me, a more positive world, and most importantly, I’ve found a way to express my feelings to others. Through a camera lens, I am able to depict my story.

What are you waiting for? Start capturing your life and the stories of people around you; don’t let your camera linger in the corner of your room any longer, because I’m certain that you can find a positive world through a camera lens, too.

Candice is a high school student who is passionate about the arts, including Photography, visual art, and literature. You could probably spot her eating food, watching Netflix, or reading in the library.

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