Personal Development: Becoming a Greater Version of Yourself

Imagine yourself at the end of a really busy day, satisfied with how productive you were. Now imagine yourself going over that to-do list and realizing that you didn’t really do all that much. Or…maybe you did, but not to the point where that steadily increasing list looked a little less intimidating. Then you think over your day and your accomplishments and wonder what you’re really aiming for.

That sinking feeling is something that I’ve encountered myself multiple times. As a grade eight student going to high school next year and in a regional program, there are so many days when I just feel as though no matter how much I achieve in a day, it’s not enough. The deadlines are too close or the quality of the work I’m doing is decreasing. Then, sometimes, it feels as though I never have any time to myself. I never find time to do the things I love. 

For each individual, that varies. It could be watching a movie, hanging out with your friends, spending time with your family, reading, cooking, drawing, or anything! Sometimes, life can get so hectic that you just need a break. And that’s where personal development comes in.

Personal development is a process that never ends. It is a way for people to evaluate their abilities and attributes, reflect on their life goals, and establish objectives in order to maximize and realize their potential. Regardless of where you are in your life or who you may be, personal development is something many struggle to grasp the concept of and is something that is lacking greatly in our lives. 

But why is it so important? Personal development promotes continuous learning and a growth mindset. You can gain new experiences and opportunities by consistently pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. It keeps you motivated, allows you to reflect on your talents, and refine your existing skills. 

Now, it seems great but why is it sometimes so hard to incorporate in our daily lives?

One of the main barriers that stops us from personal development is the inability to manage proper goal setting. Without goal setting and time management, you will never find a moment to just take a breather and relax.

Recently, I’ve become much more persistent in my goal setting and have stopped taking my time for granted. This seemed hard to follow and useless to try but in the end, it has definitely helped me improve myself as a person and grow to reach potentials I didn’t know I could.

For example, last year I had the opportunity to join the chess club in my school. I love playing chess and to be able to be a part of that was something I really looked forward to. However, my schedule was so packed and I had so many other assignments, extra-curriculars, and clubs that I didn’t think I could ever find the time! Nonetheless, I managed my days and ended up making the team and participating in the inter school tournament! 

The methods below will allow you to reach your goals and allow healthy productivity and personal development to enter your life:  

1. Set clear goals.

As already mentioned before, setting goals and personal development go together. Without one, the other is impossible to achieve. Without a specific aim in mind, it will be difficult to get closer to your desired outcome. Make sure your goals are clear and doable – whether you want to acquire a new skill or enhance your health, this is really important. If it’s something big that seems intimidating or time consuming, put your needs to accomplish this goal in writing and divide them into smaller tasks.

2. Enhance a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is the belief that a person’s abilities can be improved through effort, learning, and persistence. There can be many times in your life when things aren’t going well and you just sit there and blame everything and everyone you can for landing you in that undesirable situation. However, with a growth mindset, you’ll be more willing to learn from your mistakes and stay motivated. 

3. Learn from others.

Seeking out mentors and being open to the advice from others is an excellent way to fast-track your personal development. Other excellent methods include attending conferences or workshops, reading books, or listening to podcasts. Look for knowledge that will push your boundaries, deepen your understanding, and extend your horizons.

4. Practice self-care.

Being well-nourished, properly rested, and mentally and physically healthy can act as a great advantage to being better equipped to handle your obstacles and achieve your goals. This can include partaking in activities that relax you and remembering to take breaks from technology and social media.

5. Taking action.

Personal development requires action. You have to get out there and start putting what you’ve learned into practice. Take one step at a time and start small. Decide on one thing you can do today to further your personal development objectives. Take action and move closer to your goals by enrolling in a class, contacting a mentor, or taking care of yourself.

Personal development is a journey that requires effort, dedication, and hard work. However, in the end, all of this will be worth it when you can be productive and grow as a person. Use these tips to get started and keep pushing yourself to grow and develop your goals.

Bhanvi Girdhar is a grade 8 student who enjoys reading, writing, and playing badminton in her free time. She loves history and enjoys reading about different mythologies.

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