Why You Are Beautiful Just the Way You Are

I don’t know about you, but as a girl, I am tired.

Tired of trying to be beautiful.

I was most tired in grade nine, when I was a new girl. I was surrounded by beautiful girls. I felt like I was the DUFF –designated ugly fat friend – with her prettier and more popular pals. Desperately trying to reinvent myself, I tried working out, putting on excess makeup, trying one-minute hacks to grow my hair…but nothing worked.

Then, one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I confessed to friends.

“Hey, guys. I feel ugly.”
“No, you are not! I love your eyes!”
“I want your freckles; they are so cute!”
“You are pretty, shut up.”

Then, I realized, my friends didn’t see what I saw when they looked at me. My different looking eyes.  My short hair. My relatively large face and freckles. And yet, I realized was exquisitely beautiful.

It may not be the same type of beautiful as a Victoria Secret Angel or high-end fashion model, but I was beautiful. Very beautiful. Compared to these girls, I was nothing more and nothing less than who I was.

When I realized all of this, I made a commitment to live my life with the courage to see and reveal my beauty. I also made a promise to look for and see the beauty in others. Whether it’s the girl sitting next to me in my calculus class or that girl I met at the drinking fountain the other day. I look at them, and I see beauty. No, not the kind of beauty that I saw on the first day of school. It goes way past that. Now, the kind of beauty that I see is beauty in everyone’s heart.

I now look in the mirror and see lots of freckles and the same short hair that want to stay with me. And I am okay with that. When I look in the mirror now, I consciously look for love.

I look to love myself and what I see before me. Sure, sometimes I pinch my cheeks to see if those five pounds are still there or not, but I am learning that I am beautiful in my own way.

And if I can do that, you can, too.

“The only thing wrong with me was that I thought there was something wrong with me,” a statement from the renowned drag queen Courtney Act, reminding you that nothing is wrong with you. Embrace yourself and remember that you are you for a reason.

Today, when you look in the mirror, look carefully to see you. I guarantee that you will see something beautiful. Something unique. Because you are beautiful, just the way you are.



Rebecca is a happy high school student who loves fashion, staying active, and messy buns. Writing is always one of her favourite things to do too, and she is excited to influence more people with her writing.

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