The Journey from Elementary School to High School
It’s safe to say that the journey from elementary school to high school was definitely not an easy one. The immediate transition from one school to another felt extremely intimidating and scary, considering it was far more heavyweight and comprehensive compared to my previous experience at elementary school. However, I worked hard to adjust to my new environment and tried my best to adapt to these surroundings that were unfamiliar to me. This adjustment is something that all young adults must overcome, so it’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. Instead, we can prepare ourselves for it and make the best out of our personal experiences because it’s what makes our own journeys special.
When I started high school, I was very overwhelmed. The amount of homework and the complexity of the curriculum was a new challenge for me. Back in elementary school, the difficulty level of my day-to-day homework was relatively easy, and my teachers were very flexible with regard to tasks like quizzes and tests.
Looking back at these circumstances, I definitely could’ve prepared much better for what was ahead of me. In high school, my teachers implement rules much better, and have much more organized, strict, and orderly conditions. In order to prepare for this, staying organized is a big and important aspect. Constantly making notes after a new unit is introduced is a great way to practice. Tests and quizzes are assigned very frequently in high school, and that is why making notes is a good way to prepare because they are definitely very helpful in the long run. Organizing time in order to keep up with schoolwork is very important as well. I think planners are a great way to enforce this, and it is definitely a method that works for me. Finding a proper workspace that is quiet is necessary as well. I also think it’s good to remember not to overwork yourself in high school, something I wish I had practiced earlier. It’s overall very important to build good study habits, as well as working hard and staying organized, as they will come in good use for all of high school!
Back in elementary school, there was a period where I felt lost as an individual, and I wasn’t really aware of my hobbies and talents. I think that it’s really important to put yourself out there, especially in elementary school, because it makes it so much easier to get involved in high school. Find a hobby or skill that you enjoy, and feel free to explore it and play around with it. Getting involved and participating in clubs and teams that you genuinely enjoy will easily make your high school experience immensely more enjoyable and memorable. Even if it’s just joining a sports team in elementary school, you might realize it’s something that you love doing and want to continue throughout high school.
Along my journey to high school, I realized that there were actually much more requirements and qualifications that needed to be fulfilled before graduating. Back in elementary, even if a course or class was failed, the student would still be able to graduate. In high school however, it is very different. For example, completing 40 community service hours is a requirement in order to graduate. Looking back, I think it would’ve been more beneficial and helpful if I had completed hours prior to high school, because it can get very stressful and demanding, especially when school takes up so much time. It’s important to push yourself, avoid procrastination, and always stay on task, especially with requirements like getting community service hours, as well as working hard to pass classes to avoid failing them.
In life, there are many individual obstacles and challenges that we face and must overcome. The transition from elementary school directly to high school is never an easy one and can leave us feeling lost and confused. Nonetheless, it’s important to prepare ourselves for this journey so the experience can be much smoother and more enjoyable. I started out feeling extremely intimidated at first, I also felt extremely confused with my new school. I adjusted to these changes, however, and it is always good to reflect on the past. At the end of the day, although I made some mistakes throughout my journey, it is all part of the experience and something to learn and grow from.