On a Teenager’s Bookshelf

Reading isn’t a necessary evil, it’s a part of my life. It isn’t just something I am forced to do for school, specifically English class, it’s something I genuinely love. As a child, I remember going to the library and picking out upwards of 25 picture books to take home with me. A couple of years later, I began my mystery obsession — I would read every Nancy Drew and Cam Jensen book, admiring their wit and problem-solving tactics. Following my mystery phase was my love of the Harry Potter series, which continues to live on today. And then came my Percy Jackson obsession. I have read almost all of Rick Riordan’s novels and I am virtually fluent in Greek/Rome mythology.

Reading is my passion. There is literally nothing like putting on some music, making a cup of hot chocolate, and sitting in a large comfy chair with a book. Reading is an essential part of my life because it helps me unplug from the world and escape into another for a while.

Even with my busy schedule, I make time for it on a daily bases and have to read at least 1 chapter before going to bed. The benefit from this practice is insurmountable. All the pent of stress from homework, classwork, extracurricular, and impending tests disappears, leaving an unfamiliar realm to explore.

However, these days, it’s hard to find time to read. Especially with millions of assignments and tests constantly hanging over my head, finding time to read is nearly impossible. In addition, finding a good book isn’t easy. Similar to browsing through Netflix to find the perfect show or movie that suits your mood, I have spent hours searching for books in the library, hoping to find one that will catch my eye. It’s a rather long and dreadful process, and in the end, you may be very successful (find 2-3 fascinating novels) or come out with nothing. Here are some must-read novels to help you get through school, provide some much-needed stress relief, and prevent you from spending unnecessary time looking for books. Happy Reading!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Currently, my favourite series is the Throne of Glass series. The first novel is Throne of Glass, a captivating novel about an 18-year-old assassin, Celaena Sardothien, who is imprisoned by the King of Adarlan. She is promised freedom if she serves as the king’s champion for four years. As you progress through the novels in the series, the plot simply gets more and more interesting. With tons of surprises and plot twists, the Throne of Glass series will appeal to all fantasy lovers.


Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen

Lock and Key is definitely one of my favourite books. I have read it multiple times and each time, the novel simply gets better. It is about an 18-year-old girl, Ruby, who has a negligent mother and is forced to live with her long-lost sister, Cora, and her husband Jamie. Throughout the novel, her relationship with Cora improves and her character develops. My favourite part of this book is the ending. It is so sweet and it leaves me with a warm and content feeling in my heart every time. Lock and Key is my favourite Sarah Dessen novel but I absolutely recommend all of her books. Each one has a unique and incredible story, making it hard to put the book down.


The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

This novel takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. It is about Starr Carter, a black 16-year-old girl, who begins to stand up against racism and injustice after witnessing the shooting of a friend. In addition to having an excellent plot and well-developed characters, the book is a strong message against injustice everywhere, teaching me and other readers to recognize and stand up for your rights. I highly recommend this novel to everyone and encourage readers to read the book before watching the movie.


If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay isn’t just a novel, it’s a journey. The heart-wrenching storyline and exceptional writing are captivating, making it impossible to stop reading or reflecting on the book once you are finished. The novel is about Mia Hall, a 17-year-old high school student who has experienced lots of trauma in her past; her entire family died in a car crash and she is the only one to survive. Throughout the novel, Mia has an out-of-body experience and reflects on her life (her parents, brother, boyfriend). The ending of the novel is breathtaking and leaves the reader with a new view of life.


Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

And lastly, I recommend a classic, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This book has claimed a place on my bedside table; the once brand new book now has bent pages and worn down bindings. Yet, its sweet story remains brilliant and refreshing. This novel is about Charlie, a fifteen-year-old, observant introvert who has just begun high school. Nearly every middle school and high school student can easily relate with the struggles Charlie faces throughout the book. The most amazing part of the novel is watching Charlie grow as a person and become more involved in his present life instead of dwelling on the past. In addition to being well-paced, intuitive, and compelling, the novel communicates a clear message to the reader. It encourages them to be more involved in their life, make healthy friendships, and ask for help when needed. Perks of Being a Wallflower is a gripping novel that everyone should read and enjoy.

Gayathri is a fun, motivated, and passionate high-school student. She spends her time reading, watching TV shows, and listening to music. When she isn't doing that or studying for school, she is baking and spending time with her friends and family. Her motto is "carpe diem."

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