Video Games Are the Future of Modern Storytelling
More and more video games are now focused around building emotional connections between players and characters. Are video games the future of storytelling?
Fanfics Are for Everyone
Fanfiction is where a lot of young, middle, or older but enthusiastic creative writers start. You have a beautiful story laid out, which you can change ...
Anime Comes with Art and a Story
Anime and manga are so interesting, they capture people's minds and their nature. So, what is anime and how is it different from cartoons?
Animal Cloning: Yay or Nay?
What if you could have an exact replica of yourself? Not like a twin, but someone who resembles you completely yet is born from a different mother and at a different time? Though human cloning hasn’t yet been proven possible, animal cloning experiments have been going on for more than twenty years
Insect Meals
Fried tarantulas are considered a delicacy in Cambodia. Bugs Cafe, a cafe in Cambodia, has been gaining popularity for its insect-filled menu.
Why You Are Beautiful Just the Way You Are
I don’t know about you, but as a girl, I am tired. Tired of trying to be beautiful. I was most tired in grade nine, when I was a new girl. I was surrounded by beautiful girls. I felt like I was the DUFF –designated ugly fat friend – with her prettier and more popular […]
How Volunteering Can be more than a Requirement
It is not surprising that many people feel fulfilled when giving back to others. You don’t need to be someone like Malala or Gandhi to change the world. Fulfillment can come by starting off in your community. It is the reason why high school students are required to earn at least 40 hours of volun