How My Brother Inspired Me to Write
Gurshaan Dhillon outlines how family members can inspire you to chase your passions and explore new skills like writing.
My Love-Hate Relationship with Art
Sharon Du talks about her love-hate relationship with art, including her battle with perfectionism and being satisfied with a piece.
Canada Through the Eyes of India
Maansi Sangwan investigates what Canada represents to those in India through the lens of extended family and personal visits to the country.
How COVID Helped Me Become a TV Show Host at 12
This story looks at how Mhanaz Halim used the unique situations created by the COVID-19 pandemic to become a TV show host at the age of 12!
Lessons of a Piano
Rachel Yang looks at how taking piano lessons has taught her countless life skills, and how it grew to be more than just a hobby.
An Atheist in a Christian School
Amanda He describes the experience of being an atheist in a Christian private school, and how she dealt with the challenges that arose.
The Challenges of Having a Twin Unlike Me
In this introspective look into having a twin sibling, Lily Samaroo asks why people assume twins are alike in their personal interests.
Chinese or Canadian: A Game of Tug of War
In her introspective piece Chinese or Canadian, Isabella Wen investigates questions surrounding ethnicity and identity.
Within the Pages: Finding Yourself in Fictional Characters
It's easy to create links between your life and non-fiction, but how about between life and fictional characters? Molly Lui investigates.
My Life as a Dancer
Eisha Banwait takes us on a journey inside the life of a dancer, as she navigates stage fright, practice, injuries and performances.