Dear Younger Me

Looking back on your life, what advice would you give to your younger self having the experiences that you have now? Would you have done anything differently? The past is a powerful teacher, but we can only move forward and apply the lessons we have learned. Reflecting on my life journey, I’m struck by just how much I’ve experienced and learned over the years. When I think back to my younger self, I remember feeling so lost and uncertain about the path ahead of me and the decisions I needed to make. Now that I’m fourteen and have gained more wisdom and perspective, there are a few key pieces of advice I would give to my younger self:

Trust Yourself.

You are your own best advocate. Believe in your abilities, even when others may doubt you. When I was younger, this was a difficult lesson for me.

I was always seeking validation from others rather than trusting my own judgment, and I found that this mindset held me back in terms of all the things I could have achieved if I had more faith in myself.

I can only think about how many great opportunities I missed out on because I was too busy worrying about what others thought of me, and this is still a lesson I’m continuing to learn. Now that I’m going into high school, where I’ll be presented with even more choices and decisions to make, I’m beginning to realize that the only person’s opinion that truly matters is your own. If you continue letting others define your worth and potential, you’ll never reach the heights you’re capable of. That’s why it’s so important for me to believe in myself and have the courage to take risks and pursue my passions, even if they may not align with what others expect of me.

Prioritize Self-Care.

As I’ve grown over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of prioritizing self-care. I’ve noticed how often I’ve pushed myself to the point of exhaustion, staying up late to cram for tests or being behind in school because I had a hard time balancing my extracurricular activities with schoolwork. This took a toll on my energy levels, focus, and overall mood. I would find myself feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and unable to perform at my best. This made me hate school because I often associated school with these unpleasant feelings. I’ve learned that in order to be my best self and achieve my goals, I need to make my physical, mental, and emotional well-being a top priority. Now, I make sure to make time for activities that recharge me, like reading, journaling, or going for walks. I’ve also become more intentional about getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night and eating a balanced diet. By prioritizing my self-care, I’ve noticed significant improvements in my mental clarity, productivity, and overall well-being. I found my final year of middle school to be much more enjoyable and productive. I wish I had learned this lesson sooner, as I think it would have helped me avoid a lot of unnecessary stress and burnout during these years.

Embrace a Growth Mindset.

Reflecting on my life, one of the most valuable pieces of advice I would give to my younger self is to embrace a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and talents can be developed through dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. This mindset helps me to view challenges as opportunities to improve rather than as obstacles to overcome.

I’ve become more focused on implementing a positive mindset as I got into higher grades, and I feel it has made a significant difference in my academic and personal growth.

I’ve noticed I’ve become more resilient, adaptable, and open to new experiences, which was not like me when I was younger. I was afraid of failure and criticism, which often held me back from taking risks and trying new things. However, with a growth mindset, I’ve learned to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and to see setbacks as a chance to develop new strategies and skills. Having a growth mindset is one of the most valuable lessons. It applies to your entire life and it will help you become more persistent, motivated, and successful in achieving your goals. 

As I look ahead to high school, I’m reminded of the advice I would give my younger self, and to see how much I’ve grown from all these experiences. Somewhere along the way, I thought the challenges I would face in life would be undefeatable; some days I would feel overwhelmed by the demands and expectations placed upon me, but I didn’t realize that all these mistakes and challenges had shaped me into the resilient and determined individual I am today. My younger self helped shape my future, and now it is mine to define.

Keerthi Anandkumar is a ninth-grade student living in Ottawa, Ontario. She has a strong passion for reading and writing. During her free time, she loves to bake (and eat), play badminton, and listen to music, especially songs by Sabrina Carpenter. Keerthi finds joy in exploring different interests and is always up for a lively discussion about her favorite books or latest baking experiments.

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