Indian Horse: Why Indigenous Authors Matter
Salina Guo takes a look at Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse, and how the novel tackles the oppression of Indigenous Canadians.
Dead Poets Society: Changing the Way We View Poetry
Safaa Ali takes a look at Robin Williams' iconic film Dead Poets Society and how it's still relevant to English and poetry classes today.
High School: There’s More Than One Path
Arabi Mahanujam looks at how there is more than one path to navigate the sometimes daunting world of high school.
The Value that Lies in Being Educated
Katelynn Huong takes a look at how Tara Westover's Educated allowed for a better appreciation of the importance of school and learning.
Finding Motivation to Write
Writer's block befells even the greatest writers. Find out how to beat it with Angela Luo's tips to find motivation to write.
My Three Lives
This moving and inspirational piece explores one person's childhood journey from Washington D.C. to Colombia to Canada.
My Experience on a Service Trip to Ecuador
Read all about an exciting and rewarding service trip to Ecuador, in which participants built a school and explored the Amazon.
Fear and Uncertainty in A New Norm
This story takes a raw and uncut look at a teenager's experience dealing with the fear and uncertainty that come with the COVID-19 shutdown.
The Necessity of Hard Work
Jack Hetherington takes a look at how hard work has shaped his adolescent life, and the importance of treating everything like a tryout.
Starting Stories with a Bang (Figuratively)
This article serves as a how-to guide for how to deal with one of writing's most challenging concepts; how to start your story.