Volunteering: A Journey to Self-Growth
What began as a graduation requirement ended up being an experience full of self-growth. Take a look at Jana Mohamed's volunteering journey.
Making Efforts in Friendships
Reda Ahmed talks about the effort needed to maintain old friendships while also looking to find new friends along the way.
The Journey from Elementary School to High School
A look at the journey from elementary school to high school and how each step of the journey comes with unique challenges and opportunities.
Moving Forward: Transitioning to High School
Mihir Dinavahi dives into the transition from middle school to high school and how it can be intimidating but also rife with opportunities!
What A Freshman Year!
Aarya Shah gives us a glimpse into the life of a freshman student navigating a pandemic year and the intricacies of online learning.
Metamorphosis: How Moving Impacted My Life
There are few things more impactful than a move. Find out how moving from Indonesia to Malaysia to Canada changed Aneira Rachmadsyah's life.
Walking on Ice
Join Shadi Ahmadian on an artfully metaphoric story of how the Canadian immigration process can feel like walking on ice.
My Three Lives
This moving and inspirational piece explores one person's childhood journey from Washington D.C. to Colombia to Canada.
The Day I Had to Leave
A poignant story of immigration and perserverence about the journey from Iraq to Canada, and how self-belief and faith paved the way.
Schooling in the United Kingdom versus Schooling in Canada
It’s strange how fast and unexpectedly your future can change. You think you’re going to continue your life the same, boring, old way and then it takes a wild turn!