Behind the Screen: The Secret Dangers of Social Media
Nathaniel Gelardino takes a look at the hidden perils with social media and how you can try and avoid them.
Transform Your Life Through Self-Reflection: My Journey from Struggling Student to Academic Success
Gregory Perri takes a look at how self-reflection can make a big difference in your journey to achieve academic success.
Losing My Language
Grace Fan takes an introspective look at losing the ability to fluently speak Mandarin as a first-generation Chinese Canadian.
A Helping Hand: The Key to Better Writing
Joyce Xia Hong offers tips on how to improve your writing, including getting a friend to read over your work.
Walking in Two Worlds: A Memorable Read with Insightful Characters
Iliza Habonimana takes a look at the plot, characters, structure and themes in Wab Kinew's Walking in Two Worlds.
A Darker Shade of Magic: A Fantasy Masterpiece
Kaiya Ajmera takes a look at the themes, characters and plot in A Darker Shade of Magic.
The Portrayal of India in the West
Reet Khinda takes a look at how India is portrayed in western media, arts and culture.
How COVID Helped Me Become a TV Show Host at 12
This story looks at how Mhanaz Halim used the unique situations created by the COVID-19 pandemic to become a TV show host at the age of 12!
Why I’m Drawn to Villainous Characters
Eisha Banwait explains the allure of villains and villainous characters in literature, and what attributes make them appealing.
Living With an Autistic Brother: The Ups and Downs
Zuha Lodhi talks about living with a brother with autism, including the ups, downs and all of the moments in-between.
The Rings of Influences on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Works
Kabir Bhardwaj examines how J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic series The Lord of the Rings is influenced by everything from politics to religion.
Baseball During the Pandemic
Cyrus Sarfaty talks about the challenges that the pandemic has imposed on playing, watching and enjoying the sport of baseball.