How Your Environment Impacts Your Writing

Your environment directly affects different aspects of your writing, from your style to the topics you write about. Through experience, your surroundings, such as location, atmosphere, and culture play a significant role in your writing. 


Writing is an artistic medium which can change based on the environment you are writing in. In my experience, I’ve produced some excellent writing in less-than-perfect settings and some disappointing pieces in my usual writing area. Your environment can impact the quality of your writing. In my case, a noisy street in the middle of India can play a significant role in my creative thought process. Writing in places where you may have emotional and cultural ties can help you easily communicate your feelings. I recommend trying to write somewhere you have never written before to see how much your environment may affect your writing. 


In literature, the word mood implies the atmosphere or ambience of a piece of writing. The ambience of your environment is a powerful characteristic that can affect your writing. Your brain constantly picks up information from your surroundings, and your senses affect your thinking. Things like air temperature, environment, weather, and odours are processed subconsciously by you.

Every morning I am greeted by the smells of warm masala chai with the loud sounds of my grandparents watching the news or talking to family members abroad. These experiences are unique to my culture and make my perceptions of my writing unique.

For example, I have found that my attentiveness and creativity increase whenever I am in a loud bustling house. In the morning, a cup of chai helps me reduce my grogginess, helps to create a different environment for me, and allows me to get a bit deeper and more philosophical. 


Your writing can be influenced by your cultural background because culture is a by-product of your environment and upbringing. I did not understand what this meant until I went to study abroad. After spending my entire life in Brampton, three months in Bangalore taught me how extremely diverse cultures are. Entering a new culture can be uncomfortable, and some people experience culture shock. People-wise, it is shocking but also utterly intriguing. I was living in a new environment for the first time, where everything was so different from what I was used to, and my writing style changed as a result. It was simpler to produce cultural differences in my work once I understood the concept of cultural differences. For example, I noticed my stories had more intricate and personal details rather than following the American traditions of most stories I grew up reading. Although cultures differ significantly, it is crucial to remember that your culture matters. I find it amazing how similar we all are, yet we have unique ways of living.  When I write, I remember my writing style is unique and so is yours! In conclusion, your experiences—environmental, atmospheric, cultural—make you different!

Roshan Iruku is a high school student with an interest in Coding, Video Editing, Music, Technology and Writing, He loves playing the Saxophone, Piano and Violin as well as coding intricate programs to make his life easier. Roshan has documented his experiences through videography and literature.

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