How High School Changed Me
I’ve just been through half of grade nine, and I’ve already learnt so much! I am reflecting on my year so far in this article. Even though it might seem like a long, boring article about my first year of high school, it’s also about you. How you can be kinder, popular, friendly, and more you!
First of all, going into grade nine helped me be myself. If you’d seen me in grade eight you wouldn’t believe it was me! I was agitated. I spoke more to teachers than to my classmates. I was good at studying (it took practice and help but believe me, practice makes it work) but I felt like it wasn’t sufficient because I didn’t talk to anyone other than my best friends. During my transition into high school, I met new people and I made new friends. Some were energetic and outspoken while others were polite and subtle. Even though they had different character’s, they were a pleasure to hang out with. I started being myself as I soared through grade nine. I gained confidence and made friends with fascinating personalities.
My advice is to believe in yourself and be authentic. It makes it pleasant for others and you will enjoy being yourself. This is an important lesson I learnt, and it is an awesome skill to learn.
Another big lesson I learned is to put yourself in others’ shoes. When you have a conversation with a teacher, a new person, or when giving a presentation, you get nervous. Sometimes you blunder on words, talk too hastily, or say something by accident or in a way that makes no sense. I have. After that, I panic. I start to mumble, walk away, or say nothing for the next five minutes. It happens to everyone. What isn’t seen is that the other person knows you’re nervous. Sometimes they’re nervous, too! So realize that you can fix circumstances. You can crack a joke, restart the conversation, or if you are still really nervous, take a deep breath. I talk like a speed train when I am nervous, so I pause, take a deep breath, and keep going. Trust me, it helps. The teachers know you are nervous and they want you to control it.
Another awesome thing about high school is the clubs. In grade seven and a little of grade eight (in grade eight we talked to computer screens), I joined some extra-curricular activities, but none of them were what I found intriguing. I did it because I had to. As soon as I entered high school, I was overwhelmed with the abundance of captivating clubs and sports teams that existed. From basketball, football, and volleyball to trivia, robotics, anime, video gaming, and debate clubs, there was something for everyone.
Even if your friends don’t find it interesting but the name sparks a little interest to you, then go try it out, even if you’re alone. You will soon learn the activity, whether volleyball or robotics, make new friends and enjoy the clubs.
Just remember not to join too many clubs and overwhelm yourself because you need your time too. It’s all about trying new things!
I believe that transitioning from elementary to high school has made a major impact on who I am. I have gained more confidence, am more comfortable around others, and am generally better at academics. The year has taught me how to be myself, see different perspectives, help peers, and be comfortable with myself. The transition to high school might impact you differently. It might burden you with work. You might be in a new situation with no one you recognize. Just remember to be yourself, ask for help, put yourself in others’ shoes and find what you need to do to relax(like joining clubs!). Just be yourself and talk to new people. So basically, be yourself, try new things, have fun and conquer the world! I hope you have a great high school journey.