My Curriculum Wish List
As a grade 11 student, I am saddened by the fact that all mandatory courses taught in our curriculum are academic. English, math, and science are all academic, with each having their own, smaller sections to extend our knowledge. I understand that academics are important in life. Academic knowledge
Reading is Riveting
Books are something that people of all ages can enjoy. They are a way to learn about new concepts, improve your vocabulary, and strengthen imagination and creativity. They are often a way to escape reality and pass time. For some people, reading is an essential part of their lives, while for others,
To Be Able To Find Comfort in Your Journey
Sabekun discusses her ups and downs while embracing and making the most of her high school journey.
Life as a Newcomer in Canada
Ana has only been in the country for four months. She shares some of her life lessons as a teenager in a new country.
Working Through Silence
Catherine writes about how she gained confidence and found her voice by overcoming her fear of speaking up.
How I Found a Positive World Through a Camera Lens
I’ve always liked photography. I like the sound of every shutter click and enjoy the excitement that a good photo brings to me. Growing up, I would always be spotted carrying a camera and constantly clicking the shutter. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until my freshman year of high school that I become
A Helping Hand
I love volunteering; yet during my first shift in 9th grade, it’s not a thought I would’ve even considered. I was at an info booth with an older volunteer during a sticky evening by Harbourfront, staring aimlessly at my watch and passing cyclists. We were promoting The Word on The Street, a
Rethinking the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
As technology advances, people concentrate on the area of artificial intelligence. So what is artificial intelligence?
Teenagers Who Don’t Read are Missing Out
When was the last time you read a book? We all get that reading is good for you, but it’s often viewed as a drudgery since it takes time and patience to even develop this habit. However, to bookworms, joy is the smell of books and the adventure it takes them on. American academic and […]
Three Lessons for a Cleaner Lifestyle
Life can get messy. As deadlines approach and minutes fly by, it’s hard to keep track of the little things that can slow us down. For me, one of those “little things” was my room. Despite sleeping, working, and occasionally eating in it, I paid little attention to keeping it clean. Digging ass