
Pink Is No Longer My Favourite Colour: Personal Identity Is Ever-Changing

As a young child, my favourite colour was pink, a typical choice for any five-year-old girl surrounded by gender norms and stereotypes. My walls, bed sheets, clothes, toys, and nails all complied with this uniform I had essentially constructed for myself. The collection of pink objects and themes grew with time; my birthday gifts and cards were always pink. Likewise, my immediate and extended family associated the colour with me. This obsession lasted until I was ten years old, then my colour changed and my identity changed to blue. The reason for this change is unknown to me. One could argue that pink, on a scientific basis, is not an actual colour but a blend of violet and red making it a shade and does not have its own wavelength and therefore is not on the colour spectrum. Perhaps I unconsciously wanted to be a true colour.

Changing identity has been a repetitive theme in my adolescent life. I lived in Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia until I was seven. The climate was very hot and humid and could easily be treated with a swim in the pool.

Luckily, I was a natural-born swimmer; I spent hours underwater, on the blue-tiled floor of the pool, holding my breath and retrieving pool toys my parents would throw for me. I had an affinity for the water; gliding beneath the surface almost felt like a form of symbiosis, no other feeling could compare.

When my family and I moved to Canada, everyone I met had a passion: running, painting, soccer, or something else to identify themselves by. I felt like I needed to find an identity. I tried soccer, but I was scared of the ball. I tried running, but I was scared of the coach. Then I remembered my passion, swimming. My parents enrolled me in swim lessons; I quickly moved from level one to ten; I joined my school swim team that my dad helped coach; and I also joined a competitive swim club. Swimming became my identity or my new colour. I swam four days a week. When family called, they would ask me about swimming, my friends knew the days and times I swam, and swimming felt like the entirety of my identity.   

I swam from age seven to fourteen. I bettered my strokes and strategy as a swimmer and became competitive. I enjoyed swimming and had the best stroke, breaststroke. However, as my identity as a swimmer became more manufactured, the less I enjoyed it. I disliked the idea of being competitive and allotting my time to this no longer was a passion. I argued with my parents about attending swim practice and did not want to enter competitions. When I swam it felt like I could no longer breathe, swimming no longer felt natural as it once did.  The sport no longer appealed to me or my mental health. I stopped swimming, my “identity” was removed, and I felt I no longer had one. 

Many things attribute to an individual’s identity: taste in music, family and cultural background, a hobby, or a favourite colour; however, a changing identity is natural in one’s personal growth. One singular thing cannot define an identity or a person.

When I stopped swimming, it felt like I lost my entire identity while in reality, a part of my identity simply changed. I felt conflicted and frustrated when I told people I no longer swam and was then encouraged to return to swimming despite how anxious or uncomfortable it made me feel. As time passed, I discovered new definitions of my identity such as painting, my love for animals, reading, and academic achievement. My experience of a fluid identity encourages my belief that the structure of one’s self or identity is often temperamental, non-linear, and organic. We cannot define ourselves as a person in adolescence or perhaps at any time, this is something I am learning. I no longer swim competitively and pink is no longer my favourite colour; however, I still enjoy swimming and have many pink things.     


Siobhan Mudrik is a 17 year-old girl. She was born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and lives in Toronto, Canada. She currently attends St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School and will begin grade 12 this fall. Siobhan lives with her mother, father, brother, and two cats Bean and Willow.

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