Bridging the Community: An Online Book Club
Shivani Kumeta speaks on how the creation of an online book club has helped to increase the feeling of community amongst members.
Life of Pi: More than Survival
Amanda Berlove takes a look at Yann Martel's iconic novel Life of Pi and how it represents more than just survival.
Moving Forward: Transitioning to High School
Mihir Dinavahi dives into the transition from middle school to high school and how it can be intimidating but also rife with opportunities!
Prioritizing Interest over Income
Maja Mlot goes over how choosing a career that piques your interest is an important facet of deciding what life pathway you'd like to follow.
What A Freshman Year!
Aarya Shah gives us a glimpse into the life of a freshman student navigating a pandemic year and the intricacies of online learning.